Scotland Health Care System provides outpatient diagnostic sleep testing for patients, primarily for those with suspected apnea, snoring, and myoclonus or needing CPAP or oxygen titration.
Sleep studies are interpreted by Dr. Lisa Mansur, board certified in internal medicine specializing in Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine.
The Scotland Sleep Center Is located at 1603 Medical Drive, Suite A, Laurinburg, NC. The Sleep Study is completed by CHS Sleep Services.
Sleep is a basic necessity of life. It's as important to our health and well-being as air, food and water. When we get a good night's sleep, we awake feeling refreshed, alert, and ready to face the many challenges of our daily routine. When we don't, we suffer, our jobs, relationships, productivity, health and safety - as well as the safety of those around us - are put at risk.
Sleep Apnea and snoring affect 4% of adult men and 2% of adult women, and is no laughing matter.
Snoring is a sign that the airway is not fully open and that air is being forced through a narrow passageway. While 10% to 30% of adults snore, for most of them, snoring has no serious consequences.
However, for 2% to 4% of adults, loud habitual snoring is the first indication of a potentially life-threatening disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. These people may benefit from a sleep study at The Center for Sleep Disorders at Scotland Memorial Hospital.
What is a Sleep Study?
Patients spend one night in one of the Sleep Center's four private room for a simple, painless procedure where your brain waves, muscle activity, leg movements, heart rhythms, and other body functions are monitored by a highly-skilled sleep technologist while you sleep. The sleep data is interpreted by a board-certified pulmonologist and sent to your ordering physician. Your results and diagnosis are provided to you by your physician, who will then recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for you.
Will I need to take time off from work?
Unless you work a night shift, this should not be necessary. A sleep study usually begins in the evening and is completed before 7:00 a.m.
Will my insurance cover my sleep study?
Most major insurance companies, as well as Medicare, provide coverage for sleep studies, but it is always best to verify coverage with your insurance company before your sleep study is scheduled.
Key reasons to use our sleep disorder service:
All appointments are scheduled through The Sleep Center's toll free number toll free at 1-877-275-3373. For more information about the Scotland Sleep Center, contact Gary Hatchell, Director, by phone at (910) 291-7800.