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Relay For Life Luminarias

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The suggested minimum donation amount is $10 per luminaria.  Complete the form below to order luminarias.  You can use this form to order up to six luminarias.

The candle-lit luminarias light the track at Pate Stadium on the evening of the Relay For Life event and display messages of hope in honor or memory of those who passed away from, are fighting or beat cancer.

Scotland Health will also be holding a couple of luminaria decorating opportunities.  Luminaria decorating events will take place in the lobby of Scotland Memorial Hospital on August 21 and 22 from 10:00am – 1:00pm and at the Dulin Center (500 Lauchwood Drive, inside of the urgent care building) from 4:00pm – 6:00pm on September 6th.  Luminarias are $10 each with all proceeds benefiting the American Cancer Society.
